Main / About... About CompanyAims
– to become a “trendy” agency; – to earn a lotta cash; – to buy unwillingly a couple of European and two-three American agencies for just not to learn any unknown languages, and to invent a name for a super-duper network agency (after long “brain-stormings” and “creative meetings”) to sound like an unpronounceable abbreviation with a slight touches of “Europe”, “American”, “Asia” type or “Global” at all; – then without saying various competitions, awards, chicks, cars, yachts will come our way together with “pretty-pretty athletic boys”, hemp, ecstasy, nose candies, rehabilitation centre in Swiss Alps, again chicks and boys with elastic butts, long expected AIDS, magnificent coffin made of solid oak, and delivered by grateful but sorrowful clients – company “Shneherson and son, and one more son”, and at last, restrained and modest funeral without chicks, awards, yachts and all other crap. But… Now this effing shit is not happening. To become trendy one should visit with enviable permanency various advertising get-togethers (desirably in a crazy apparel and a clever face) which is quite a boring procedure for which we have no time and desire so far. Money which we earn we spend for the development of new directions. This is more natural evolution process for the company as compared to investing, share holding or merging. As regards chicks and boys: they don’t like our ever-red eyes and pathological obsession with our beloved job. Values – drive for results but not for the process itself; – result is achieved by the agency but not by its separate employees: if someone is crashed by a road roller – others will take the flag and go forward; – each employee of our agency is a strong personality whose contribution to the cause is beyond being evaluated; – we do our job and reach results no matter what (that’s a pity that advertising people have no analogue to the Hippocratic Oath); – we do our job first “as it should be”, and then – “as the Client asked” if that doesn’t impair the quality of work; – we take for our work as much money as it exactly costs. Vision – advertising is not an art, advertising is a production; – advertising is the goods’ self-expression but not the self-expression of an agency; – advertising doesn’t sell, it helps to make a choice. About...