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About employees

Garagulya Oleg

Occupation: designer sometimes.
Social duties: ditor at
Õîááè: learn to be a director.

Derkach Ol'ga.

Occupation: office manager, core memory of the team.
Social duties: organizer.
Hobby: digging, weeding, planting and gathering cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, potatos and other vegetables and berries.
Level of optimism: optimal.
Number of words per minute: 586.

Zhuravel’ Yura aka Yurgen, aka Uriy.

Occupation: designer.
Social duties: uploading his ideas on everyone, chairmen at smokeroom meetings.
Distinctive feature: a special niceness.
Consists of: 150000 polygons / 600000 ribs / 720000 points.

Fediy Aleksandr, aka AlexandEr, aka uncle Sanya, aka ss.

Occupation: designer.
Character is nordic, firm. Has never been noticed in relationships discrediting him. So far…

Subbota Aleksey, aka Lyokha, aka Alex.

Occupation: designer.
Combat characteristics: good response to movement, very low volume.
Number of words per day: 2,7.



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Goroh agency
+38 (056) 371-00-70, 371-33-70

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