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20.04.2009. Redesign of mineral water “Znamenovskaya” of TM “Biola”.

Why change the design when everything is good as it is? Maybe because it can be done better. And if the best is not an enemy of the good then why not do that?

We wanted something better for the design of “Znamenovskaya” under TM “Biola”. Not fundamental changes in the design but a small “cosmetic repair”.

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– ponderous solution for background, fonts and central composition in old design;
– “misguiding” color “settings” of non-carbonated “Znamenovskaya” mineral water (customary color stereotype by other trade marks: carbonated – dark blue, low-carbonated – green, non-carbonated – light blue).

In new design an angular background was substituted by wavy one like in an earlier work of our agency for 5-liter bottle of “Znamenovskaya”. Graphical solution for the name of the trade mark was visually lightened. Color scale of non-carbonated “Znamenovskaya” was adjusted in accordance with the existing color stereotypes.

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When discussing this or that product restyling the phrase like: “The customer will not even notice the difference between the new and old design!” is often heard. But in the situation with “Znamenovskaya” redesign it is important to understand the difference between “revolution” and “evolution”. The difference is significant...

Mineral water “Znamenovskaya” of TM “Biola” – is one of the oldest brands of JSC “Erlan”. It is extracted from natural well located in ecologically clean region.

Customer: “Erlan”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Design and printing preparation: Yura Zhuravel’, Oleg Garagulya, Goroh agency.
Press: “Ukrplastic”, Kiev, Ukraine.


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