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Main / NEW / 2009

10.09.2009. Design of label for “Smile” drink of TM “Biola”.

The easiest tasks usually turn to be the most complicated in practice. “Smile, smile, smile…” What should be painted on the labels with such name? The thing that lies on the surface – the smile.

We tried to find an alternative. Well, there are some different emotions...

Äèçàéí ýòèêåòêè íàïèòêà «Smile» ÒÌ «Áèîëà». Àíòèñìàéë.
Oops.. something is definitely wrong here...

Äèçàéí ýòèêåòêè íàïèòêà «Smile» ÒÌ «Áèîëà». Ðàçíîöâåòíûå ñìàéëû.
That’s why there are multicolored bubbles with a wide smile from ear to ear in the design of “Smile” label.

P.S. If you find out that everybody is smiling around it was not only “Smile” that you took.

Customer: “Erlan”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Ideologic inspirer: Anya Konstantinovskaya.
Design and printing preparation: Yura Zhuravel’, Oleg Garagulya, Sasha Fediy, Goroh agency.
Press: “Blitz-Flex”, Kiev, Ukraine.


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